Martha Brae River Bamboo Rafting

If you are looking for an unforgettable rafting experience this perfect for you.The Martha Brae River got it's name from the village which it is located. Martha Brae village is on a horseshoe shaped island spanning 6 acres. This village was built by early Spanish settlers who wanted to stay close to the river because it provided a constant water supply and a convenient way to get to the seaports by boat. Today it is a very quiet town with the Martha Brae River Bamboo Rafting being the main attraction. There is a legend in this village of an old Arawak witch who lived on the bank of the River of Matibereon. She was captured by Spanish treasure hunters who had heard tales of the Arawak gold and forced to show them where it was. She led them to the cave but suddenly disappeared. The Spaniards became scared and tried to run but they were swallowed by the river. The witch then changed the course of the river forever. This legend has been passed from generation to gen...